*Buy Crest dental care (includes Whitening Expressions or Whitening* Plus Scope toothpaste 6-6.2 oz, Glide floss 38.3-55 yds, Oral B 75-90 ct Advantage Floss picks or Advantage 1-2-3 toothbrush) - $2.99, get a $1 RR
$1/1 Crest Glide floss - 6-27 RP
$1/1 Crest toothpaste or liquid gel - 6-27 RP
$.50/1 Crest toothpaste - 6-6 PG
$1/1 Oral B floss picks - 6-27 RP
$2/1 Oral B Advantage toothbrush - 7-4 PG (this is based on previews, haven't seen the actual coupon so I'm not 100% sure this is accurate)
$.75/1 Crest toothpaste - 7-4 PG
Final Price = Possibly free Oral B Advantage toothbrush after coupons/RR or $.99 for toothpaste/floss picks
*Buy Cascade dishwasher detergent - $3.99, get a $1 RR
$1/2 Cascade, any - 6-6 PG$.50/1 Cascade - 7-4 PG
$.50/1 Cascade Complete Pacs or ActionPacs - 7-4 PG
Final Price = $2.49 after coupons/RR
*Buy Colgate MaxFresh or MaxWhite toothbrush or toothpaste - $2.99, get a $2 RR
$.75/1 Colgate Max Fresh or Max White - June 2010 All You Magazine
$.75/1 Colgate Max White toothpaste printable
Final Price = $.24 after coupons/RR
*Spend $15 on Dove products, get a $5 RR (products are 4/$15 and include hair care 7-12 oz, antiperspirant/deodorant, body mist, body wash, men's bar soap or Active Clean shower tool)
$2/1 Dove Beauty Bar or Body Wash AND Dove hair care (shampoo/conditioner/daily treatment conditioner) printable
$1.25/1 Dove Daily Treatment conditioner - 6-27 RP
$.75/1 Dove Ultimate Beauty Care antiperspirant/deodorant - 6-27 RP
$1/1 Dove Men+Care body wash or shower tool - 6-27 RP
Buy 4 Dove daily treatment conditioner - 4/$15
Use 4 $1.25/1 coupons
Spend $10 OOP, get a $5 RR
Final Price = $5 after coupons/RR ($1.25/each)
*Buy Gillette or Old Spice antiperspirant/deodorant or body wash - 3/$12, get a $2 RR
BOGO free Gillette body wash - 6-6 PG
Free Gillette body wash WYB Gillette deodorant - 6-6 PG
$2/1 Gillette body wash or deodorant - 7-4 PG
$2/1 Gillette Clinical deodorant or $2/2 regular Gillette deodorants - 6-6 PG
$1/2/ Old Spice deodorant/body wash - 6-6 PG
BOGO free Old Spice body wash/deodorant - 7-4 PG
Buy Old Spice body wash or Fresh Collection deodorant, get Old Spice body wash free - 6-6 PG
Buy 4 Gillette body wash - $16
Use 2 $2 Gillette body wash coupons
Use 2 BOGO free Gillette body wash coupons (should deduct $8)
Spend $4 OOP, get a $2 RR
Final Price = $2 after coupons/RR ($.50/each - this is a YMMV because some stores will not let you use the $2 body wash coupons with the BOGO free coupons)
*Buy Gillette Fusion ProGlide manual or Power razor system - $9.89, get a $5 RR
$4/1 Gillette Fusion razor - 6-6 PG
$2/1 Gillette Fusion razor - 7-4 PG
Final Price = $.89 after coupon/RR
*Household cleaners: $2.99, get a $1 RR (includes Green Works 22-32 oz, Tilex 16-32 oz, Clorox 3.5-32 oz, Pine Sol 28 oz, or Formula 409 - 32 oz)
$1/1 Green Works cleaner printable
$1/2 409, Clorox, or Clorox wipes - 6-6 RP
$.50/1 Pine Sol - 6-6 RP
Final Price = $.99 each after coupon/RR (when you buy Green Works)
*Kellogg's, Keebler ,and Sunshine cookies and crackers: buy 2/$5, get a $2 RR (includes 8 pack Kellogg's Rice Krispies treats, Keebler 11.5-16 oz crackers, or Cheez It 7.5-9 oz)
Final Price = 2/$3 after RR
*Buy Lipton tea (one gallon) - 2/$6, get a $1 RR
Final Price = 2/$5 after RR
*Buy Metamucil - $9.99, get a $2 RR (includes 44 ct packets, 120-160 ct capsules, and 57-114 dose powder)
$3/1 Metamucil - 6-6 PG
Final Price = $4.99 after coupons/RR
*Spend $10 on the following P&G products, get a $2 RR: Laundry supplies (Bounce dryer bar or 70-80 ct dryer sheets, 10 pk Tide Stain Release or liquid 20 oz, Downy Liquid 21-40 loads or 70-80 ct sheets - $3.99 or Febreze Reed diffuser, soy candle, Air Effects, Noticeables, Fabric Refresher, or Flameless Luminary - 25% off)
$1/1 Tide Stain Release - 6-6 and 7-4 PG
$.50/1 Downy liquid fabric softener or dryer sheets - 6-6 PG
$5/1 Febreze Reed Diffuser (RP home mailer)
$5/1 Febreze soy candle (RP home mailer)
Buy one Febreze Fabric Refresher, get one Air Effects free - 7-4 PG
$5/1 Febreze luminary (RP home mailer)
$1/1 Febreze Noticeables refill - 6-6 PG
$1/1 Febreze Noticeables starter kit - 6-6 PG
Spend $20 on Febreze products, get a $10 MIR printable
Buy 1 Febreze Flameless luminary - $12.37
Use $5/1 Flameless luminary coupon
Spend $7.37, get a $2 RR
Final price = $5.37 after coupons/RR
Buy 1 Febreze soy candle or Reed Diffusher - $8.62
Buy 1 Febreze Air Effects - $2.69
Use $5/1 Soy candle/reed diffuser coupon
Use $1/1 Febreze Air Effects coupon
Spend $5.31 OOP, get a $2 RR
Final Price = $3.31 after coupons/RR
Submit for the $10 Febreze rebate = $1.32 moneymaker!
(Thanks Wild for Wags!)
*Spend $20 or more on these products, get a $5 RR - items are priced at $5.99/each (Olay Complete, Night of Olay, or Active Hydrating Cream - 2-4 oz, Aussie, Head & Shoulders, Herbal Essences, or Pantene shampoo/conditioner, Olay body wash, Gillette Venus disposable razors (2-3 ct), Nice 'n Easy root touch up color)
$1/1 Olay facial moisturizer or cleanser - 6-6 PG
$4/1 Olay Total Effects body wash (if included - 6-6 PG)
BOGO free Pantene Restoratives or Beautiful lengths (if included) - 6-27 Parade magazine
$1/2 Pantene products - 6-13 SS
$2/1 Nice 'n Easy root touch-up - 7-4 PG
$1/1 Olay facial moisturizer/cleanser - 7-4 PG
$1/1 Olay body wash - 7-4 PG
Final Price = varies
*Buy Pepsi products - 2/$9, get a $2 RR
Final Price = 2/$7 after RR
*Buy Prilosec OTC - $24.99, get a $5 RR
$3/1 Prilosec OTC - 6-6 PG
Final Price = $16.99 after coupons/RR
*Buy Visine eye drops - $3.99, get a $1 RR
$2/1 Visine - 4-11 RP
$1/1 Visine, any - 6-13 RP
$2/1 Visine Redness relief or Tired eye - 6-13 Rp
Final Price = $.99 after coupons/RR
*Buy Zegerid OTC - $19.99, get a $3 RR
$4/1 Zegerid OTC - 6-20 SS
$3/1 Zegerid OTC printable
Final Price = $12.99 after coupons/RR
*Candy (Werther's Original, Riesen, or Lifesavers)$1/2 Lifesavers printable
*Foster Grant reading glasses
*Spot Shot, Resolve, or Woolite carpet cleaner (PSA $5.99)
*Walgreens Gold Seal vitamins or A-Z supplements
*Walgreens Multi-purpose solution
*Walgreens pain or sleep relief
*Armour vienna sausages - 2/$1 (w/ in ad coupon)
*Encore spices - 2/$1 (w/ in ad coupon) - one of my favorite fillers!
*Finest Natural vitamins and supplements
*Mars candy - $.49/each (w/ in ad coupon)
*Osteo BI-flex
*School supplies - $.19 (includes 10 pack Penway yellow pencils, 5 pack Paper Mate mechanical pencils, or 10 pack PaperMate pens)
*Walgreens alkaline batteries
*Walgreens aspirin - $.49 (w/ in ad coupon)
*Walgreens First Aid (Hydrogen peroxide or Epsom salt) - 2/$1 (w/ in ad coupon)
*Van Camps pork and beans - 2/$1 (w/ in ad coupon)
*Huggies Little Swimmers - $6.99
$1.50/1 Huggies Swim diapers printable
Final Price = $5.49
*Pampers wipes - 2/$5
$2/1 Pampers wipes - 6-6 PG
Final Price = $.50 after coupon
*Sunlight Dish liquid - $.89 (w/ in ad coupon)
$.25/1 Sunlight dish liquid - 5-23 SS
Final Price = $.64 after coupon
The following scenarios are for those are just starting to shop at Walgreens and who have few, if any, RR to spend: $15.35 in merchandise for $4.60 OOP
Buy 1 Oral B Advantage toothbrush - $2.99
Use $2 Oral B coupon
Spend $.99, get a $2 RR
Buy 1 Colgate Max fresh or Max white toothpaste - $2.99
Buy 1 school supply item - $.19
Use $2 Oral B RR
Use $.75 Colgate coupon
Spend $.43 OOP, get a $2 RR
Buy 2 "snack items" (Kelloggs/Keebler/Sunshine) - 2/$5
Use $2 RR
Spend $3, get a $2 RR
Buy 1 Oral B Advantage toothbrush - $2.99
Buy 2 Encore spices (2/$1 w/ in ad coupon)
Buy 2 school supply item - $.19
Use $2 Oral B coupon
Use $2 RR from snack deal
Spend $.18 OOP, get a $2 RR
*Then, you can repeat scenarios #2-3 to continue rolling your RR
MY PLAN (I am starting with 2 $2 RR, 3 $3 RR and a $1 RR):
Buy Oral B Advantage toothbrush - $2.99
Buy 1 Colgate Max Fresh - $2.99
Buy 1 Gillette Fusion razor - $9.89
Buy 1 Febreze Luminary - $12.37
Buy 6 school supply items - $.19/each
Use $2 Oral B coupon
Use $.75 Colgate coupon
Use $4 Gillette coupon
Use $5 Febreze coupon
Spend $3.44 OOP, get a $2 RR (Colgate), $5 RR (Gillette), $2 RR (Oral B), $2 RR (Febreze)
Buy 1 Febreze soy candle - $8.62
Buy 1 Febreze Air Effects - $2.69
Buy 1 School supplies item - $.19 (filler)
Use $5 Febreze soy candle coupon
Use $1 Febreze Air effects coupon
Use $2 Colgate RR
Spend $3.50 OOP, get a $2 RR
Submit for $10 Febreze MIR = $3.06 moneymaker, I have a 3 $2 and one $5 RR left to spend
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